PhenoRoot is building
the World's Largest Root Database to Revolutionize Future Crops.
80% of all plant problems start with soil and roots.
PhenoRoot provides research and diagnosis services using soil-grown plants under different and controlled growing conditions.
The root-soil interaction is crucial for reliable research and testing.
Common phenotyping systems rely on plants grown in artificial media such as agar or transparent gels to facilitate imaging. Concluding from artificial media is questionable since the plants under test aren't developed in their natural environment. Many important problems of interest involve direct interaction with soil, such as plant microbiome, uptake of fertilizers, salinity, and drought resistance unsuitable for plant growth in artificial media. The root-soil interaction is crucial for reliable research and testing.
PhenoRoot has developed unique capabilities for accurately diagnosing the root system of plants growing in different soil types.
Besides, the company diagnoses the upper plant parts according to customer requirements.
The goal of Phenoroot is to create the largest root phenotyped collection ever constructed. Promoting data-driven, logical decision-making in the agricultural sector. Phenoroot aims to establish an industry standard for root-related traits to lessen the effects of stress-related yield loss.
Leading companies and universities already use Phenoroot technology to test new fertilizers, scan new herbicide molecules, and breed programs for yield stability and carbon sequestration.

PhenoRoot provides research and diagnosis services using soil-grown plants under different and controlled growing conditions.
Collaborating with leading companies and universities.
Helping them to gain data and a deeper understanding of the response of different crops grown under various environmental conditions such as Temperature, Salinity, Nutrition material, and Irrigation regime.
Identify root traits associated with resistance to soil-borne disease or tolerance to abiotic stress.
PhenoRoot has developed capabilities for root phenotyping several vegetables and field crops, including rice varieties grown in soil.
Accurate controlled condition during all experiment stages
Statistical Analysis of the experiment results
Technical report of academic level
A multidisciplinary team that supports a range of agricultural topics and includes an expert in algorithms and computer vision.

Our customers are top seed and agrochemical companies and leading universities.